2020 Year in Review

2020 Year in Review

Even during these unprecedented times, we came together to provide support to hospitalized children, families, and healthcare providers. Thank you to all of our amazing volunteers and donors. With your help, we impacted 7,900 children and families, 3,600 frontline...
Child Life in Action:  SF4C 4 MilKids

Child Life in Action: SF4C 4 MilKids

Originally posted at ChildLife.org by Yvonne Kassimatis | Nov. 3, 2020   Lisa McWhorter, MS, CCLS, CPMT Lisa is a Certified Child Life Specialist, military spouse, and mom of three wild and crazy boys. After receiving her master’s degree in Child Life and...
Global Fellowship Program Impacts Pediatric Healthcare

Global Fellowship Program Impacts Pediatric Healthcare

We’re excited to announce the launch of the Standish Foundation for Children “Family-Centered Care Fellowship Program.” The goal is to create an avenue for educational exchange which enhances a provider’s knowledge, skills and confidence in delivering child and...
Supporting Military Children

Supporting Military Children

Children who are military connected have unique needs and experiences compared with their peers of similar ages. These experiences tend to include frequent moves, prolonged separations, and deployments of family members (Heubner, 2018). Along with the deployment of a...
The Speciality of Child Life Specialists

The Speciality of Child Life Specialists

Child Life is in every sense of the word a “specialty”. Oh, let me count the ways in which you are specialists… You are supporters- you come and meet the child at their level and on their terms, allowing the child to feel a degree of...
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

We want to wish you and your family a Happy New Year! Thank you for your support in helping us bring hope and happiness to hospitalized children and families. Because of you, our programs impact 700,000 children annually in the U.S. and overseas. In the past year we...