Balancing between your child and the medical team

Navigating the healthcare road with your chronically ill child can be overwhelming to say the least. When it comes to medical procedures, parents often times feel like they are being pulled between their child and the medical team. How can a parent find that middle road to support their child’s healthcare experience, eliminate unnecessary trauma and restore confidence, resilience and advocacy skills?

Sometimes hearing a story from another parent who has been down that dark road before to come out on the other side with wisdom and experience, can motivate another parent to do the same.

Hear Elise’s story

Standish Foundation is honored to share Elise Free’s story. She is an amazing parent and advocate for families and the Cystic Fibrosis community.

Be sure to read Elie’s article, The Three Words I Want Every Hospital Employee to Hear.

Elise is a contributor on Felicity Huffman’s website What the Flicka?, as well as, Scary Mommy, The Mighty, Motherlode with essays featured in LA. Parent Magazine, Literary Mama Magazine and on KPFK’s radio program, Motherhood Unplugged. She’s the recipient of the “Best Screenplay Award” at The LA Femme International Film Festival and was a screenplay finalist at the Beverly Hills Film Festival, Nashville Film Festival and International Family Film Festival in Los Angeles. She currently lives is Iowa with her 12-year-old daughter, Adelaide, who’s thriving and living life to its fullest and funniest, despite having Cystic Fibrosis.

To learn more about Elise, check out her website and follow her on Twitter.