Last week was National Volunteer Week, a time dedicated to recognizing the invaluable contributions of volunteers. On Standish Foundation for Children’s (SF4C) Facebook and Instagram, we were thrilled to celebrate the passion and commitment of our remarkable volunteers who play a vital role in transforming the hospital experience for children in need.

Meet our volunteers:
Our volunteers are the heart and soul of our foundation. They come from diverse backgrounds and professions, but they share a common goal: to make a positive impact on the lives of children and families facing medical challenges. Let us introduce you to some of the incredible individuals who volunteer their time and talents with us:

Board of Directors:

Not pictured: Stephen Owens and Megan Kirkpatrick DiBartolo

Digital Media Committee:

Not pictured: Megan Rotondo

How our volunteers make a difference
Our volunteers support us in various capacities, ensuring that our foundation can continue its critical work:
Surgical Missions: Our volunteers participate in international surgical missions, providing essential medical care to children in underserved communities.
Fellowship Programs: They help train healthcare professionals in psychosocial care services, improving the quality of care for children and families.
Financial Management: Volunteers play a key role in managing our finances, ensuring transparency and accountability in every dollar donated.
Digital Media Committee: Our digital media volunteers maintain our social media and marketing presence, keeping our donors informed and engaged with our mission.
The dedication of our volunteers has a profound impact on our foundation and the children we serve. Their efforts allow us to expand our reach, enhance our programs, and bring hope to countless families.

Thank you!
To our volunteers: Thank you for your unwavering dedication and passion. Your commitment to our cause is truly inspiring and deeply appreciated.

Join us!
Would you like to make a difference in the lives of children? Whether you can volunteer your time, donate, or simply spread the word about our foundation, every contribution matters.
Thank you for being part of our journey to transform the hospital experience for children.